2022-2023 Club Program
The Chatham Garden Club meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at the Chatham Community Center.
We gather at 12:30pm for friendship and refreshments and our programs commence at 1:00pm.
Meetings marked with an asterisk * are open to the public.
September 20, 2022
Wequasett Resort Garden Tour
Join club members in touring the beautiful gardens at Wequassett! If you are interested in attending, please contact (phone, text, email) Harriet Prout by September 9th . A reply will be sent with the place to meet at Wequassett along with the time to meet. A list of those attending will be forwarded to the Membership Committee and they will prepare nametags.

October 18, 2022
Conserving Water
by Cherie Bryan
Cherie Bryan, a Master Gardener, will address water solutions: how to capture and use water in your garden as well as retention and distribution in the garden.
Cherie is past President of the Barnstable County Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners program, actively volunteering in the Brewster Children’s Garden, the Speakers Bureau and the Mentoring programs.

November 15, 2022
"Fall Decorations" Presentation and Workshop by Sonny Gada
Celebrating 50 years of floral design and education, Sonny will share his expertise and love of all things floral. His floral arrangements have been featured in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts annual event “Art in Bloom.” He has also created his own local C3TV show “Sonny’s Floral Show” for the past 25 years. As a teacher and lecturer, he brings a unique approach to floral arranging, using all of nature as his palette.

December 6, 2022
Holiday Luncheon at Wequassett Resort - 12:45 pm
Come and enjoy this festive time of year with friends in a beautiful setting,
enjoying delicious food.
Cash Bar @ Noon
Seated Luncheon @ 12:45 P.M.

January 17, 2023
Vegetable Garden Design
Donelle Denery
Master Gardener
Donelle Denery joins us to present Vegetable Garden Design. This presentation covers a multitude of things such as: where to locate your garden, sun and soil considerations, styles of gardens (raised beds, square foot gardening, containers, row, traditional), weed control, fertilization and much more.

February 21, 2023
Soup and Bread
Soup and Bread gives us a good chance to share ideas about programs for the upcoming year. Have you seen or attended relevant programs, do you have access to a speaker's bureau or are there gardening topics about which you would like to learn more? Bring all your ideas while we share some hearty soup and bread.

March 21, 2023
Container Gardening
* Open to the Public
Becky Crocker
Crocker Nurseries
Becky Crocker, from Crocker Nursery, will show us how to arrange flowers and herbs in containers. She will introduce some new plant varieties and show us how to group shade lovers together with sun lovers.

April 18, 2023
Shady Characters
* Open to the Public
Lorraine Ballato
Instructor at New York Botanical Garden and
Master Gardener
Lorraine Ballato--an instructor at the New York Botanical Garden, for the Connecticut Master Gardener Program and for the Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut--will discuss “Shady Characters.” This talk will help you see your shade as the treasure it is: an area to take an evening stroll, to escape the heat of the summer sun, a source of calming beauty, or just a place to gaze at from your deck or kitchen window. Featured plants include perennials, flowering shrubs, annuals, bulbs and flowering vines.

May 16, 2023
Pollinator Pathways
* Open to the Public
Jean Puchalski
Jean Stetz-Puchalski joins us from the Pollinator Pathway board of directors and will be speaking about the Pollinator Pathway initiative. She will review the role native plants and pollinators play in our landscapes. She will connect us to resources to help us establish pollinator-friendly habitats and food sources for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators.

June 20, 2023
Private Luncheon

June 28, 2023
The Past, Present and Future of Chatham Harbor:
Coastal Storms, Sea Level Rise and Barrier Evolution
Featuring Dr. Mark Borrelli, Coastal Geologist
June 28, 2023 at 4:30 pm
At the Chatham Community Center
All are welcome – no cost for our community to attend
Please join us as Dr. Mark Borrelli places the natural evolution of Chatham Harbor over the last 200 years into context while discussing current conditions and possible future configurations. Dr. Borrelli is the Director of the Seafloor Mapping Program at the Center for Coastal Studies in Provincetown and he has been studying Chatham Harbor for 20 years. He will discuss the data he’s collected over that time including the latest from April 2023. He will also talk about possible future scenarios for the harbor and Pleasant Bay. Photo credit Kelsey-Kennard Photography

July 14, 2023
Cape Cod Hydrangea Tour comes to Chatham with support from the Chatham Garden Club